Booklet Conversion Begins!

We have begun the process of converting our FastTracts to booklets, which will also be available as low cost ebooks. Follow the links below to preview the booklets. Use the retailer links provided to purchase. Suggested retail is $4.99 for the booklets and $0.99 for the ebook editions.

FastTracts Pamphlets/Tracts

These Christian tracts are available for you to copy or print free of charge. The specific permission is included in our Christian Tracts index and basic information page. You can download them in PDF or Microsoft Word format, personalize them in the area indicated, and distribute them freely. Energion Publications no longer prints these pamphlets, but we continue to offer them for you to print free of charge as we always have. If you need help with printing them, check with your local office services shop to get copies made as you desire.


  • General Issues
    Christian tracts on general topics: salvation, the gospel, creation, and the search for the historical Jesus.
  • Bible
    The authority and inspiration of the Bible, how to study the Bible and Bible study tools.
  • Prayer
    Prayer, including intercession, prayer for healing and keeping your spiritual health.
  • Spiritual Gifts
    Baptism of the Holy Spirit and spiritual gifts.
  • Spiritual Warfare
    The conflict between good and evil including its application to our daily lives as Christians.

Related Material

Participatory Study Series Christian Books

FastTracts grew out of the Participatory Study Series from Energion Publications and are often useful as adjuncts to various studies.

Books in the Participatory Study Series
These books emphasize experience and building your relationship with God through Bible study.

What is the Participatory Study Series?

Note: This description applies to both the Participatory Study Series and FastTracts. It was written before the two elements were separated.

The Participatory Study Series is Energion Publications line of publications for use in church education and discipleship. These publications are designed to get the church laity involved along with the clergy in Bible study, discussion and spiritual growth. They include both books and tracts (supported on this site). These Christian tracts reflect doctrinal and spiritual ideas from a range of doctrinal perspectives. You are invited to review them carefully for their suitability for your particular use.

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