The Authority of the Bible(SKU: PSS007)

Why do we study the Bible? What is its authority in our lives? This is a good way to start an introduction to Bible study–by looking at what we expect to get from the Bible. It takes a high view of inspiration but does not make a statement on Biblical inerrancy.

What is Biblical Criticism? (SKU: PSS022)

Another technical pamphlet, giving an outline of the historical-critical methodology and dealing with a few of the questions Christians have about using it. This is obviously a very brief introduction. It is very useful as a handout in connection with Bible classes and in study groups.

What is Biblical Criticism? (PDF)

What about the KJV? (SKU: PSS010)

A look at the King James Version and its role in the church today. This is a brief answer to the “King James Version only” movement. It expresses support and even admiration for the KJV, but also notes that it is an older translation with archaic language, and that it was translated before many of our most important discoveries in the area of Biblical manuscripts and languages were made.

What about the KJV? (PDF)

Spiritual Gifts: Prophecy (SKU: PSS016)

What is the gift of prophecy? What is its role in the church today? The �Spiritual Gifts Series� looks at many of the spiritual gifts viewing them as having the potential to be just as active in the church today as in the past.

Spiritual Gifts: Prophecy (PDF)

Seven Barriers to Hearing the Word (SKU: PSS019)

A pamphlet for Christian Bible students who are having a hard time getting the full benefit from their Bible study. If you feel sleepy when you start to study, this tract is for you. If you are bored when you read, this tract is for you. These are some issues that you need to take on if you want to study the Bible spiritually, and gain the full benefit of communion with God, and hearing what God has to say to you through the study of his Word.

Seven Barriers to Hearing the Word

Seven Kingdom Principles of Choice (SKU: PSS020)

Principles of choice for living the Christian life. In spiritual warfare THE basic principle is choice. It is not a matter of the actions we take against anyone, but rather of the action of our OWN will in resisting evil.

Seven Kingdom Principles of Choice (PDF)

Understanding the Search for the Historical Jesus(SKU: PSS021)

This pamphlet is more technical than the others listed here, but it is still brief and provides an overview of the processes used in the search for the historical Jesus.

Understanding the Search for the Historical Jesus (PDF)

I Want to Study the Bible (SKU: PSS005)

Basic look at how to study the Bible for yourself. This is a complete method, obviously presented very briefly. The method involved is developed by Henry Neufeld and is called the participatory method.

I Want to Study the Bible (PDF)

Tools for Bible Study (SKU: PSS006)

Some guidelines for tools you might use in Biblical studies. This pamphlet is designed to be used in connection with “I Want to Study the Bible” and provides some notes about key references that are helpful in personal Bible study, such as Bible versions,

Tools for Bible Study (PDF)

What’s in a Version? (Tract) (SKU: PSS009)

BRIEF look at Bible versions, how they are made and how to choose one to use. This is an introduction to what makes Bible versions different, and how you can choose one for your use. For a more detailed discussion, see our book What’s in a Version?.

What’s in a Version? (Tract) (PDF)

What is the Word of God? (SKU: PSS008)

An examination of the various ways in which God speaks to us. This is the more detailed discussion of inspiration and how it works. It is an ideal follow-up to The Authority of the Bible

What is the Word of God? (PDF)