Explanation of Catalog Links
The Participatory Study Series is a set of Christian tracts or pamphlets designed for use in discipleship and Christian education. Full printable versions are provided on the web so that you can print or copy your own. You may link to these or use their text on your own web site, provided you provide a link back to this site. We provide a convenient way to include the pamphlets on your site via the IFRAME tag. You can copy the text, but if you use the provided links, any corrections and updates to our material will be reflected on your site automatically.
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The basic form for these pamphlets is as a Word document. You can download these and print them. You can also personalize the pamphlet in the area provided. We ask that you do not modify the material in the pamphlets themselves.
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Since the Acrobat Reader is readily available on the internet, we have provided this alternative means to view and print the pamphlets. If you don’t have Microsoft Word, you can print these, but unless you have Adobe Acrobat, you will not be able to modify them. The PDF files also give you a way to view the full format of the printed version of the pamphlet.
HTML Files
This is an HTML view of the text, provided here for viewing. This is the same content as is provided in the content only and full views, but the full view (see below) provides additional links and information that may not be contained in the printed pamphlet.
Content Only
This view shows only the text content of the tract. You can use the link here to use the content on your web site. The resulting text includes a link back to this site and the copyright notice, but does not include full contact information. We require this minimum amount of information to be displayed if you copy the material.
To use the pamphlet content on your web site, create an IFRAME as follows:
<iframe src="https://fasttracts.com/pss_pamphlet.php?sku=[sku]" width=730 height=750> Explain that there is no support for the IFRAME tag here... </iframe>
Full View
This is the view to use if you are browsing this site for your own reading. This adds links to other information, related book ads, and some additional text.
Suggestions for Use
Each tract is described for some particular purpose. This link displays some suggestions as to how the particular pamphlet can be used.
![]() | I Want to be Healed!(SKU: PSS024) |
Some basics of prayer for healing. Why isn’t everyone healed when we pray? What might prevent healing? Should we pray for healing? I Want to be Healed! (PDF) I Want to be Healed! (Content Only) I Want to be Healed! (Full View) I Want to be Healed! (Suggestions for use) | |
![]() | I Want the Baptism of the Holy Spirit(SKU: PSS015) |
A balanced look at the baptism of the Holy Spirit. I believe that the baptism is an experience God intends for all Christians, and that ideally it should occur in connection with initial conversion and water baptism. There are ongoing opportunities for the Holy Spirit to “infuse” us with more gifts and increases in gifts throughout our spiritual walk. There is ALWAYS more! I Want the Baptism of the Holy Spirit (Word Doc) | |
![]() | So You’re an Intercessor!(SKU: PSS014) |
Basic intercessory prayer. There are many misunderstandings about intercessory prayer and particularly about being an “intercessor.” This pamphlet shows that every Christian is called to intercessory prayer, and not just a small group. Some, however, are called to pray more than others, and it provides guidelines for them. So You’re an Intercessor! (Word Doc) | |
![]() | Prayer Scriptures for Prayer Warriors(SKU: PSS012) |
Some example prayers taken from scriptures to help you learn how to pray the scriptures. Includes adaptations of Ephesians 1:15-23, Ephesians 3:14-21, Ephesians 6:10-20, Psalm 91 and Psalm 121, along with space for a prayer list. Prayer Scriptures for Prayer Warriors (Word Doc) | |
![]() | Spiritual Gifts: Prophecy(SKU: PSS016) |
What is the gift of prophecy? What is its role in the church today? The “Spiritual Gifts Series” looks at many of the spiritual gifts viewing them as having the potential to be just as active in the church today as in the past. Spiritual Gifts: Prophecy (Word Doc) | |
![]() Click for larger preview | Spiritual Gifts: Speaking in Tongues(SKU: PSS029) |
Part of the Spiritual Gifts group, this tract is designed to outline the basis of speaking in tongues. It is written from the perspective that tongues are still to operate in the church today, but does not treat this as the one and only evidence of the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Spiritual Gifts: Speaking in Tongues (Word Doc) | |
![]() Click for larger preview | Spiritual Gifts: Leadership(SKU: PSS027) |
This tract discusses some leaders in the Bible, the requirements for leadership, and the gifts of the Holy Spirit related to leadership. It is a good starting place for new church leaders or those who want to move into more leadership. Spiritual Gifts: Leadership (Word Doc) | |
![]() Click for larger preview | Spiritual Gifts: Helping(SKU: PSS028) |
This tract is good both for those seeking more leadership, and for those “helpers” in the church who often wonder whether they are truly called by God and gifted by the Holy Spirit. It’s focus is on everyone who sees what needs to be done and helps get it done. Spiritual Gifts: Helping (Word Doc) | |
![]() Click for larger preview | Gifts and Offices(SKU: PSS033) |
A brief discussion of the fruit of the Spirit, gifts of the Spirit (spiritual gifts), and church offices and how they work together under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Gifts and Offices (Word Doc) | |
![]() Click for larger preview | Spiritual Gifts: Encouragement(SKU: PSS036) |
Description and importance of the spiritual gift of encouragement. Spiritual Gifts: Encouragement (Word Doc) | |
![]() Click for larger preview | Spiritual Gifts: Miracles(SKU: PSS037) |
Spiritual gifts pamphlet on the nature and use of the gift of encouragement. Spiritual Gifts: Miracles (Word Doc) | |
![]() Click for larger preview | Spiritual Gifts: Knowledge and Wisdom(SKU: PSS038) |
Definition and use of the spiritual gifts of knowledge (words of knowledge) and wisdom (words of wisdom). Spiritual Gifts: Knowledge and Wisdom (Word Doc) | |
![]() Click for larger preview | Spiritual Gifts: Healing(SKU: PSS039) |
The gift of healing defined and its place in the ministry of the church. This is not a full discussion of miraculous healing, but specifically the gift of healing. Spiritual Gifts: Healing (Word Doc) | |